Yoga for Constipation

Millions of people suffer from constipation every day, and for many, traditional medicine offers little relief. But what if there were a natural way to treat constipation? Yoga might be the answer.

There are many yoga poses that can help relieve constipation. In fact, yoga can help with all sorts of digestive problems.

What is constipation?

Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week. For some people, this can mean having one bowel movement every few days. For others, it may only be once a week.

Symptoms of constipation include:

-Infrequent bowel movements

-Straining during bowel movements

-Hard or dry stools

-Painful bowel movements

-Feeling like you can’t empty your bowels completely

What causes constipation?

There are many different things that can cause constipation. Some of the most common causes are:

-Not enough fiber in your diet

-Not enough water in your diet

-Eating too much dairy

-Eating too many processed foods

-Lack of exercise

-Certain medications, such as painkillers, antacids, and antidepressants


How can yoga help?

A 2015 study conducted on individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) revealed that yoga might be a cost-effective treatment for the most common symptoms of the illness, including constipation and diarrhea. The researchers also suggested that yoga may aid in the treatment of additional IBS symptoms such as anxiety and tiredness.

Yoga works by stimulating the digestive system and promoting regularity. The poses also help to break up gas pockets in the intestines, which can contribute to bloating and discomfort.

Additionally, yoga helps to reduce stress, which is a common trigger for IBS flare-ups. The deep breathing and relaxation techniques learned in yoga can also help to relieve stress.

What are the best yoga poses for constipation?

1. Child’s Pose:

Child’s pose is a restorative yoga pose that can help to relieve stress and fatigue. It also helps to stretch the back and hips, which can ease pain and tension in those areas. To do child’s pose, start on your hands and knees. Then, sit back on your heels and lower your forehead to the mat. You can also place a block under your forehead for support.

2. Seated Forward Bend:

Seated forward bend is a gentle pose that helps to stretch the hamstrings and lower back. It also stimulates the digestive system, which can help to relieve constipation. To do seated forward bend, sit on the mat with your legs extended straight in front of you. Then, slowly lean forward from the hips, keeping your back straight. You can place a block under your forehead for support.

3. Wheel Pose:

Wheel pose is an advanced yoga pose that should only be attempted if you are already comfortable with inversions. This pose helps to stimulate the digestive system and can also help to relieve stress. To do wheel pose, start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the mat. Then, place your hands on either side of your head with your fingers interlaced. Press into your hands to lift your torso and legs off the mat. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel dizzy, come out of the pose immediately.

4. Camel Pose:

Camel pose is an intermediate yoga pose that helps to stretch the front of the body, including the chest, shoulders, and abdomen. It also helps to stimulate the digestive system. To do camel pose, start by kneeling on the mat with your feet hip-width apart. Then, place your hands on either side of your hips. Lean back, reaching for your heels with your hands. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel any pain, come out of the pose immediately.

5. Corpse Pose:

Corpse pose is a restorative yoga pose that helps to relax the body and mind. It is often done at the end of a yoga practice to help you cool down and release any tension you may be holding in your body. To do corpse pose, start by lying on your back on the mat. Then, let your legs fall open and your arms fall to your sides. Close your eyes and focus on deep breathing. Stay in the pose for as long as you like.

6.Adamant pose:

The adamant pose is an advanced yoga pose that helps to stimulate the digestive system. It also helps to stretch the back and hips. To do adamant pose, start in a seated position on the mat with your legs extended straight in front of you. Then, place your hands on either side of your hips. Slowly lean back, reaching for your heels with your hands. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel any pain, come out of the pose immediately.

7.Fish Pose:

Fish pose is an intermediate yoga pose that helps to stretch the front of the body, including the chest and shoulders. It also helps to stimulate the digestive system. To do fish pose, start by lying on your back on the mat with your legs extended straight in front of you. Then, place your hands on either side of your head with your fingers interlaced. Press into your hands to lift your torso and legs off the mat. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel any pain, come out of the pose immediately.

8.Gate Pose:

Gate pose is a gentle yoga pose that helps to stretch the back and hips. It also helps to stimulate the digestive system. To do gate pose, start by sitting on the mat with your legs extended straight in front of you. Then, place your hands on either side of your hips. Slowly lean back, reaching for your heels with your hands. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel any pain, come out of the pose immediately.

9.Puppy Pose:

Puppy pose is a gentle yoga pose that helps to stretch the back and shoulders. It also helps to stimulate the digestive system. To do puppy pose, start by kneeling on the mat with your feet hip-width apart. Then, place your hands on either side of your hips. Lean forward, reaching for your heels with your hands. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel any pain, come out of the pose immediately.

10.Scale Pose:

Scale pose is an advanced yoga pose that helps to stretch the back and hips. It also helps to stimulate the digestive system. To do scale pose, start in a seated position on the mat with your legs extended straight in front of you. Then, place your hands on either side of your hips. Slowly lean back, reaching for your heels with your hands. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel any pain, come out of the pose immediately.

Using Yoga for Indigestion and constipation:

Indigestion is a condition where there is difficulty in digesting food. It can be caused by many things such as overeating, eating spicy or greasy foods, stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking certain medications. Constipation is a condition where there is difficulty in passing stools. It can be caused by many things such as a diet low in fiber, not drinking enough fluids, or stress.

Yoga can help to relieve indigestion and constipation by massaging the abdominal organs, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation. Some yoga poses that can help with indigestion and constipation are listed below.

Try these poses to alleviate indigestion;

  1. Paschimottanasana: This pose massages the abdominal organs and helps to improve circulation. It also helps to stretch the back and shoulders. To do paschimottanasana, sit on the mat with your legs extended straight in front of you. Then, place your hands on either side of your hips. Slowly lean forward, reaching for your toes with your hands. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel any pain, come out of the pose immediately.
  2. Bhujangasana: This pose helps to massage the abdominal organs and improve circulation. It also helps to stretch the back and hips. To do bhujangasana, lie on your stomach on the mat with your feet hip-width apart. Then, place your hands on either side of your hips. Slowly lift your chest and head off the mat, reaching back for your heels with your hands. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel any pain, come out of the pose immediately.
  3. Dhanurasana: This pose helps to massage the abdominal organs and improve circulation. It also helps to stretch the back and hips. To do dhanurasana, lie on your stomach on the mat with your feet hip-width apart. Then, place your hands on either side of your hips. Slowly lift your chest and head off the mat, reaching back for your heels with your hands. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. If you start to feel any pain, come out of the pose immediately.Try these poses to alleviate constipation;

Stomach Issues that Yoga can help:

  1. Constipation: As discussed earlier, constipation is a condition where there is difficulty in passing stools. It can be caused by many things such as a diet low in fiber, not drinking enough fluids, or stress. Yoga can help to relieve constipation by massaging the abdominal organs, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation.
  2. Stomach acidity: Stomach acidity is a condition where there is an excess of stomach acid. This can lead to heartburn, indigestion, and nausea. Yoga can help to relieve stomach acidity by massaging the abdominal organs, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation.

Yoga Poses for Stomach Ache:

1. Child’s Pose

2. Cat-Cow Pose

3. Seated Forward Fold

4. Cobra Pose

5. Camel Pose

6. Upward Dog Pose

7. Downward Dog Pose

8. Bridge Pose

9.Wheel Pose

Yoga for Constipation during pregnancy:

During pregnancy, the growing uterus can put pressure on the intestines and cause constipation. Yoga can help to relieve constipation during pregnancy by massaging the abdominal organs, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation. Some yoga poses that are safe to do during pregnancy are listed below.

1. Cat-Cow Pose

2. Cobra Pose

3. Bridge Pose

4.Wheel Pose

5. Seated Forward Fold




9. Child’s Pose

10. Camel Pose

11. Upward Dog Pose

12. Downward Dog Pose

The video below shows some of the yoga poses that can help with constipation when pregnant:

Please note: If you are pregnant, please consult your doctor before doing any yoga poses. Also, if you have any other health concerns, please consult your doctor before practicing yoga.

Adriene’s and Ramdev’s Guides – Yoga For Digestion:

When you overeat, eat spicy or greasy foods, drink alcohol or coffee, or experience stress, your digestion can be challenged. In the video below, Adriene invites you to slow down and give your gut a break with some simple Yoga For Digestion.

This sequence is designed to massage the abdominal organs, help with the elimination process and bloat, reduce stress and anxiety that can contribute to indigestion, and move stuck energy.

1. Begin in a comfortable seat. If you need support for your back, place a blanket or block underneath you.

2. Rest the hands on the thighs and take a few deep breaths in and out through the nose.

3. As you inhale, lengthen the spine. As you exhale, begin to round the back, tucking the chin towards the chest.

4. Inhale and sweep the arms up overhead. As you exhale, bend forward from the hip joints, keeping the spine long.

5. Hang here for a few breaths, letting the head and neck relax.

6. Inhale, coming up to half lift. As you exhale, fold forward, bringing the chin towards the chest.

7. Interlace the fingers behind the back and straighten the arms, drawing the shoulder blades together.

8. Inhale and lift the head and chest. As you exhale, hinge forward from the hip joints, keeping the spine long.

9. Take a few deep breaths here, then inhale to release the arms and come back to half lift.

10. Exhale and fold all the way forward, placing the forehead on the mat.

11. Take a few deep breaths here, then inhale to come up to half lift.

12. Exhale and roll up to seated, stacking the spine vertebrae by vertebrae.

13. Draw the knees into the chest and give yourself a big hug. Rock side to side for a few breaths.

How about bloating – will yoga help?

Yes, yoga can help with bloating. There are certain yoga poses that massage the abdominal organs and help with the elimination process. Yoga can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can contribute to indigestion. Some yoga poses that can help with bloating are listed below.

1. Cobra Pose

2. Cat-Cow Pose

3. Seated Forward Fold

4. Bridge Pose

5.Wheel Pose

6. Child’s Pose

7. Camel Pose

8. Upward Dog Pose

9. Downward Dog Pose


How about IBS or Diarrhea – will yoga help?

Yes, yoga can help with IBS and diarrhea. Yoga can help to relieve stress and anxiety, which can contribute to indigestion. Yoga can also help to improve circulation and promote relaxation. Some yoga poses that can help with IBS and diarrhea are listed below.

1. Child’s Pose

2. Seated Forward Fold

3. Cat-Cow Pose

4. Cobra Pose

5. Camel Pose

6. Bridge Pose

7. Upward Dog Pose

8. Downward Dog Pose




When to see a doctor:

If you are constipated and nothing seems to be helping, it is important to see a doctor. They will be able to help you rule out any underlying medical conditions and give you the best course of treatment. If you are pregnant, it is especially important to see a doctor if you are constipated, as it can lead to complications.

See a doctor if you;

  • See changes in bowel habits that last more than a few days
  • Have severe pain when passing stools
  • Are bleeding from the rectum or anus
  • Have blood in your stools
  • Have lost weight without tryingFeel tired all the time

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